Thursday, October 20, 2005

Kids say the Darnest Things

Tyler is always saying the funniest things. For example, the other day I was standing in front of the mirror and brushing my hair. Tyler was watching me and said, "Put a bow in your hair". I asked him, "Why?" And he replied, "Because I want it to look like horses hair." I had to think about this a moment. At first, I thought maybe we was saying something mean and implying that I looked like a horse. But then it occured to me what he meant and I responded, "Oh, you mean you want me to put my hair in a PONY TAIL!" He had forgotten what it was called. lol!

Tyler is beginning to ask some very tough questions too. A few days ago, I overheard a conversation between him and his Daddy. Tyler asked him, "If God made everything, who made God?" Robin's response was, "Go ask Mommy". Luckily for us, Tyler already had his mind made up about the answer and replied matter of factly, "Daddy, God made God!" Good reasoning! :o)

Bugs are a Boys Best Friend

Like myself, Tyler and Ryan enjoy bug watching. A few weeks ago, Tyler caught a beautiful butterfly and we put it in his bug viewer so he could admire it for awhile. He loved that. There is no shortage of insects, lizards and toads around our home. Our backyard is a bug haven...unfortunately, it's home to many unwanted bugs like tree roaches, moquitos, bees and fireants too. Tyler has already had to endure the pain of a wasp's sting. And it's a full time job having to smack mosquitos and flick fire ants off the kids and myself while we try to enjoy our backyard. But that's life in the South. A couple of days ago, I was emptying out the dishwasher while the boys played in the backyard. Tyler walks in and says that he has a new friend. He comes over to me to show me a bug that is crawling down his arm and I gasped, "That is a roach!!" He immediately flung the roach onto the floor in disgust. (Thankfully, it didn't land in the dishwasher of clean dishes!) Being the gentle animal lover that I am, I carried the roach (which I later discovered was a wood roach) back outside and put him back where he came from. I admit, I have a hard time killing anything, but also want to teach the boys to treat all living things with kindness. (However, I do make an exception for pesky mosquitos and those huge, scary flying tree roaches. Blagh!).

Whenever Ryan sees a bug, he calls out, "buddy!" I think he is trying to call it a, "buggie", but it comes out sounding like, "buddy" instead. However, don't be fooled by this charming nickname. Ryan is still learning how to control his love. Often, he loves the misfortunate bug so much that it ends up being squished between his little fingers or under his shoe. Awwww, poor Buddy!


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