Monday, October 31, 2005

'Twas the night before Halloween, when all through the house, the scent of roasting pumpkin seeds hovered about.
The pumpkin was carved and lit with great care,
In hopes that trick-or-treaters soon would be there.

Every year about a day or two before Halloween, Robin carves our pumpkin and I roast the seeds. This year, Robin bought a carving kit that came with some carving stencils and he asked Tyler to pick out the picture he wanted carved on the pumpkin. Tyler chose the spider, which luckily for Robin was one of the easier designs. The boys then enjoyed helping Daddy with the goopy and messy task of removing the pulp and seeds. I always look forward to roasting the seeds for our once a year special treat. Unfortunately between Tyler and I, they don't end up lasting more than 2 days. Perhaps next year we should consider getting two pumpkins!


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